他是可愛的 #AustinWong(2歲9個月)來自新山。他非常乖巧,討人歡喜 他遺傳了爸爸JackWong的基因,超級非常愛打籃球
Austin 3月2日不舒服去了醫院檢查,住院觀察2個星期也查不出什麼結果。由於需要更加深入檢查,新山醫院建議轉院到新加坡。3月26日準確報告出來了,證實患上 #神經母細胞瘤癌症neuroblastoma…(罕見疾病)
由於化療手術電療是筆非常大的數目 #SGD300k (大约RM100万),我們正籌款中…非常需要您的慷慨善款🙇來幫助Austin…
My boy, Austin Wong is only 2 years and 9 months old, and he’s suffering from Stage IV Neuroblastoma, which is a form of malignant cancer.
Both myself and my wife are from Malaysia, and we’ve obtained Permanent Resident in Singapore in January 2018, so we uproot ourselves to Singapore but not Austin, as his citizen application was rejected by ICA.
On 2nd March 2018, we were notified that Austin is not feeling well, so we brought him to the hospital in Malaysia, and after observation for 2 weeks, they still cannot diagnose his condition, and were told by the hospital in Johore to bring him to Singapore.
We check him into KK Hospital, and results was published on 26th March, and the shattering news crush us that he’s suffering from Neuroblastoma. I look at him and it seems like he doesn’t know what’s going on, and our hearts are bleeding knowing that he’s still so young, why he has to go through this ordeal, and with all the tubes poking through his veins and all the multiple tests, it truly breaks our heart.
All we wanted now is for him to continue treatment in KK Hospital, but unfortunately, since Austin is not a Singaporean, he’s not entitled to any subsidies from the hospital. We’ve tried to speak with the Medical Social Worker here in KK Hospital, but, they are unable to assist. We have no other place for his treatment as the hospital in Johore is unable to treat him.
29th March 2018 is the first Chemotherapy that Austin is going through, which will last for 5 days, and there are multiple Chemotherapy session Austin has to go through.
The estimated medical bills for Austin will come up to SGD 300,000 and we do not have the means to cover his medical fees. We’re just average blue collar workers in Singapore, and our combine salaries will not be enough.
Little Austin is also not covered by Insurance coverage in Singapore. We have depleted our savings after relocating to Singapore, having to finance our new hdb flat. We are facing the fear of losing our son and not having the financial means to provide a proper treatment for Little Austin.
Please kindly help us, or help little Austin to allow him to go through his Chemotherapy, and all donations will be use to pay for his medical bills.
Thank you for your kind generosity and caring heart to save little Austin.
Letter from KK Hospital Singapor by Dr Soh
Risks & Challenges
让我们一起为他加油 !!!
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