#BeMyHero GoCare CNY Bazaar 新年市集

Lokal Sense FB:https://www.facebook.com/lokalsens

Lokal Sense GoCare:https://covid.gocare.org.my/lokal-sense/

In collaboration with the #BeMYHero Caring Awareness Campaign, GoCare launched an online CNY Bazaar to create a platform to help promote and sell products for online seller and those who want to start an online business, and encourage people to shop online.



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2 Donors 0 Love it 0 Reviews
RM350.00 Raised
RM10,000.00 Goal
Raised Percent :

0 Days to go
3.50% Funded
The campaign is successful.
Nationwide, Malaysia

1. 有兴趣参与的商家,可填写表格:  https://forms.gle/wD8wcbmXd9UeCph69
2. 有关商品照片、宣传品等资料可电邮至:  gocare.bemyhero@gmail.com
3. 经审核后将把有关资料上载到 Facebook,并加以推广及宣传
4. 鼓励参与市集售卖产品的商家乐捐至少10%盈利予GoCare作为公益用途

1. 疫情期间转型做网购工作的群体
2. 新创业的群体
3. 售卖小众商品的群体

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Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous RM300.00 February 02, 2021
Anonymous RM50.00 January 29, 2021


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