A. Event name : FUND ZONE 爱心众筹站
B. Theme 活动主题: GoCare Caring Awareness Crowdfunding Campaign 全民爱心众筹运动
C. Event date 活动日期: 31/12 /2020 – 31/3 /2021
D. Online launching : 31/12/2020
E. Objective 宗旨:
- Assist the needy and underprivileged groups of all walks of life through donations from the public
- To provide the public with a transparent, fast and convenient charity donation platform
- To cheer for frontliners and underprivileged groups.
F Target 目标: RM500,000.00
Donation Fund Purpose :
Charity |
Amount (RM) |
a) |
CNY Care – helping the underprivilege family |
100,000 |
b) |
Crisis Relief – aid relief to the disaster victims |
100,000 |
c) |
Education – helping the underprivilege student family |
100,000 |
d) |
Social Caring – helping the underprivilege group & NGOs |
100,000 |
e) |
Orang Asli Caring Program – support the local Org Asli |
50,000 |
f) |
Animals & Environment Care – community caring |
50,000 |
G. Event method :
- Donation in Cash by GoCare 网站进行捐款
- Donation in kind by GoCare 关爱站,填上表格,捐赠物资

Thank You all our MY Hero!
谢谢您,我们的Malaysia Hero! 一个小小付出却帮了那么多人!
GoCare感谢 KJSS Resources Jerantut Pahang/Melaka dan NGO Jaringan Cemerlang Masyarakat Bersatu (JCMB) 捐助250套开学用品包括书包


另外,KJSS Resources Jerantut Pahang也捐助了超过300份床褥,被单,枕头,口罩等,共有超过500户家庭受惠!
最后,也感谢服装公司NOSIGNER Fashion Consultant Sdn Bhd捐助4000件的衣服予灾民。该衣服也已经送到文德甲及而连突。

KJSS Resources Jerantut Pahang/Melaka dan NGO Jaringan Cemerlang Masyarakat Bersatu (JCMB) sponsor 250 sets of school supplies to flood victims through CRSM. One of the beneficiary is Sjk C Benta.
In addition, KJSS Resources Jerantut Pahang also donated more than 300 mattresses, sheets, pillows, masks, etc., benefiting more than 500 families!
Besides, there was around 4000 pcs of tshirt which donated from donors NOSIGNER Fashion Consultant Sdn Bhd to Mentakab and Jerantut Pahang.
Let us work together to respond to this event, to help victims rebuild their homes. CRSM is determined to send care packages and warm up the flood victims ahead of the Lunar New Year.

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