BeTheOne Charity Sales

CRSM通过GoCare众筹举办义卖活动,旨在为BeTheOne社区关爱项目筹集资金,帮助弱势群体。 GoCare 希望通过这一改变,能够为社区提供大力支持,为弱势群体带来温暖和关爱。

CRSM organised this charity sale through GoCare crowdfunding, with the goal of raising fund for the BeTheOne community care programme and assisting the underprivileged. GoCare hopes that by making this change, they will be able to provide strong support to the community as well as warmth and care to the less fortunate.

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68 Days to go
0% Funded
Minimum amount is RM10 Maximum amount is RM1000
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  • Charity Crowdfunding 慈善众筹
  • Public 公众
  • Social Relief 社区关爱
  • Crisis Relief  赈灾

2. Program with NGO 非营利组织相关活动

3. Charity Sales 慈善义卖

4.  Toy Story Charity Project 2024

5. International Volunteer Day 国际志工日

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