
彭氏夫妻虽是残障人士,但7-8年来自力更生在亚沙区一带包括万茂、芙蓉新城、奥克兰等地进行资源回收工作养活自己。 但上月由于摩托车年久失修,无法顺畅进行资源回收工作,导致收入减少和入不敷出难以应付每月开销。

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残障夫妇急需善心人士捐助,协助他们购买一辆新的三轮摩托,让他们可继续进行资源回收工作,自力更生养活自己。这对家住万茂Taman Kaloi Jaya的彭氏夫妻分别是44岁的彭国平及39岁的黄秀娟。彭国平是右边身体半身不遂,行动不便,而黄秀娟则是从小半身手脚不灵活。





Collecting recyclable materials as the only income, a pair of the couple wishes to own a new motorcycle.

Pang, 44 and his wife Wong, 39 both are having disabilities on half paralyzed. The right side of their body cannot work normally, but they do not give up in their life. Instead, they choose to earn a living by collecting recyclable materials and sell them to the recycling center.

Accordingly, their monthly income is between RM800 to RM900. However, they still need to pay rent every month, with a deduction of RM500 from income.

Both of them have been using OKU motorcycles with several problems for 10 years and 5 years respectively. Although they hope to purchase a new motorcycle, there is still financial difficulty in their life.

**They had raised a brand new motor in the end of campaign which donated by kindhearted people**

来自中国报的报道 Source from China Press: 回收资源自力更生、残障夫妇想要新三轮摩哆

Source from THE STAR: Couple with hemiparesis need help to buy new motorbike

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