BeTheOne Community Caring Campaign

BeTheOne 将推出4大活动来支持社区,包括:

BeTheOne will launch 4 major activities to support the community, including:

i. 健康醒觉GoHealthy

ii. 爱心众筹GoFunding

iii. 社区关爱GoCaring

iv. 赈灾援助GoRelief

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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GoCare Malaysia 希望以取社会、用之社会的精神引导更多人关注社区,并借此公益活动传递爱心,以团结大家的力量,通过慈善义卖为社会做出贡献。


CRSM通过GoCare众筹举办义卖活动,旨在为GoCaring社区关爱项目筹集资金,帮助弱势群体。 GoCare 希望通过这一改变,能够为社区提供大力支持,为弱势群体带来温暖和关爱。


B40和弱势群体。 全部款项将捐举至 GoCare 社区关爱项目。

BeTheOne will launch 4 major activities to support the community, including:

i. GoHealthy 

  • Conduct health screening activities in collaboration with the National Cancer Society

ii. GoFunding 

  • Charity Sales: Organize fundraising sales during festivals, including online sales on TIK TOK
  • Charity Crowdfunding: Raise funds for underprivileged groups, the public, and disaster relief
  • GoCare Charity Warehouse Sales: Hold a 2-3 day clearance sale of second-hand clothes, with proceeds donated to GoCare. This event will also introduce GoCare’s 360 theme.

iii. GoCaring 

  • International Volunteer Day: In conjunction with International Volunteer Day, MCA Volunteer Team and GoCare will organize a series of charitable activities with volunteers nationwide.
  • Program with NGOs: Collaborate with NGOs to carry out charitable activities
  • Toy Story Charity Project 2024: Collect toys and stationery from the public before Christmas, repack and color them, and distribute toy boxes to children from underprivileged families and children in indigenous villages.
  • Conduct community service activities at kindergartens, primary schools, indigenous villages, and disability centers in Malaysia in collaboration with visiting Taiwanese university students.

iv. GoRelief 

  • Raise funds and collect supplies during disasters

BeTheOne 推出4大活动来支持社区,包括:

i. 健康醒觉GoHealthy
• 与国家癌症协会合作进行健康检验活动

ii. 爱心众筹GoFunding
• 慈善义卖Charity Sales: 配合节日进行义卖筹款,也包括线上 TIK TOK 义卖
• 慈善众筹Charity Crowdfunding: 筹款至弱势群体,公众和赈灾援助
• 清仓大促销GoCare Charity Warehouse Sales: 举办为期2-3天的二手服饰清仓大促销,义卖筹获的款项将捐至GoCare.

iii. 社区关爱GoCaring
• 国际志工日International Volunteer Day: 配合国际志工日,马华志工团和GoCare 将计划召集全国志工进行系列慈善活动。
• 非营利组织相关活动 Program with NGO: 与 NGO 合作配合进行慈善活动
• Toy Drive 2024: 在圣诞节前向公众收集玩具及文具,再重新包装和上色,把玩具盒送至弱势家庭小孩和原住民村小孩
• 配合台湾大学生来访马来西亚,到幼稚园/小学生/原住民村/残障中心进行社区服务

iv. 赈灾援助GoRelief
• 灾难发生时候筹款和筹募物资



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